
Radiology Monitor
Monitors designed to meet stringent standards for accuracy, clarity, and consistency.
Surgical Monitor
Specialized monitor used in the field of radiology, designed to provide high-quality and accurate visualization of medical images.
Fully self-developed software to meet various requirements in the field of healthcare
Products used in the medical field, that is tailored to meet specific requirements based on your need.
Accessories paired with our professional device to enable the best performance.
Infection Control
Sterilization monitoring indicators, medical cleaners and sterilization packaging.
Image Processing
Device designed to transmit and process imaging data to help doctors make key decisions.


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Good news:The Sterile Supply was included in the Polish Copernicus Index

Date : 2023-08-17

Another great news of the year is that Medical Sterile Supply organized by Jusha was recently officially included in Poland's "Copernicus Index" (IC, Index Copernicus).

Jusha medical is a global high-tech enterprise, producing integrated imaging center, operating room solutions, digital X-ray system, intelligent high pressure syringe and its consumables, infection control series of consumables. The infection control series of consumables (cleaning agent, sterilization instructions, monitoring, packaging) have been exported to nearly 30 countries and regions. Class 5 integrator that has the international patent of visible tablet form are stably exported to the United States / Canada / Australia.


As the world's largest database of scientific journals providing indexing services, the Polish Copernicus Index Index Copernicus (IC) is an international retrieval system for medicine and biology founded by Medical Science International, which is a new worldwide gateway to scientific information. Sterile Supply, as an international English academic journal for disinfection supply and related fields, openly published and peer-reviewed, has been included by the Ullish International Journal Guide (Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory), the EBSCO database, and the Polish Copernicus Index (Index Copernicus, IC) employ since its inception, indicaing that the Sterile Supply, organized by Jusha Medical has a certain academic influence and its academic level and editing quality have been preliminarily recognized by the international academic publishing community.

Jusha Medical will adhere to the original intention of running the journal, and further improve the academic quality and influence of Sterile Supply, meanwhile it will continue to increase investment in product research,development and innovation, reduce the risk of infection of patients, improve the work efficiency of medical staff thus to contribute to contriibute to the global medical and health cause.


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