
Radiology Monitor
Monitors designed to meet stringent standards for accuracy, clarity, and consistency.
Surgical Monitor
Specialized monitor used in the field of radiology, designed to provide high-quality and accurate visualization of medical images.
Fully self-developed software to meet various requirements in the field of healthcare
Products used in the medical field, that is tailored to meet specific requirements based on your need.
Accessories paired with our professional device to enable the best performance.
Infection Control
Sterilization monitoring indicators, medical cleaners and sterilization packaging.
Image Processing
Device designed to transmit and process imaging data to help doctors make key decisions.


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The second supervisor training conference

Date : 2015-03-16

From March 14th to 16th, 2015 Jusha medical "Dedication——reading sharing and the second supervisor training conference was held successfully in Fujian Gutian Guangyuan Hotel.

All supervisor participated in the training and studied this book in-depth under the leadership of the vice presidents Zong Yinhao and Chen Yiqing. Wen Fan, the senior director of the Research & Development Center explained in details the IPD and JUSHA five-year strategy. On the 16th, all attenders visited the Gutian meeting site and memorial hall. In the end, Wang Wei-the president of Jusha Medical interpreted 2014 JUSHA internal article profoundly and vividly.

During the meeting, all the attenders discussed warmly the core value-“Take the customer as the center, based on strivers, work hard perseveringly" and discussed what shall we do to realize JUSHA strategic goal according to JUSHA five-year development strategy.

This conference made the mission and responsibility clear for JUSHA supervisors. We believe that all the supervisors could use the right of cultural influence so that more people would become fighters.

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